Monday, June 27, 2016

Microsoft is killing Xbox Fitness

xbox fitness

Microsoft Studios today announced that the company is killing Xbox Fitness. Starting today, users will no longer be able to purchase content from Xbox Fitness. If you have already purchased from Xbox Fitness, you will be able to play those until June 30, 2017. In a blog post, Microsoft stated:

Since November 2013, Xbox Fitness has allowed you to experience the world's best workouts with famous trainers, right in the comfort of your own home. As a service, Xbox Fitness has continually evolved since it launched on Xbox One, with new content and ongoing updates. Given the service relies on providing you with new and exciting content regularly, Microsoft has given much consideration to the reality updating the service regularly in order to sustain it. Therefore, the decision has been made to scale back our support for Xbox Fitness over the next year, and we want to provide our users with a timeline of the changes you will see.

In addition to this, Microsoft stated that the "Free with Gold" offer for Xbox Fitness will not be available from December 15, 2016. And finally, on July 1, 2017, Xbox Fitness and all of its content will not be available for download — including the content that you have purchased:

  • Beginning today, June 27, 2016, Xbox Fitness content will no longer be available for purchase. For existing users of Xbox Fitness, the content you've purchased will be available to play for a year, through June 30, 2017.
  • On December 15, 2016, we will be removing our "Free with Gold" offer.  Until then, Gold members will still be able to access and play the over 30+ workouts available for streaming as a part of this offer for free.
  • On July 1, 2017, Xbox Fitness (and all associated content) will no longer be available for download/play. This includes content you've purchased. At that time, Xbox Fitness will no longer be available for download from Xbox Marketplace and content will not be available for play from the Xbox Marketplace nor within the game. Xbox Fitness users will no longer be able access Xbox Fitness and the associated workouts/programs.

If you are an Xbox Fitness user, tell us if you want Microsoft to keep the service alive in the comment section below.

from MSPoweruser

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