Microsoft yesterday announced that the company is shutting down its Shot On My Lumia account on Instagram. Shot On My Lumia, for those unfamiliar, shares some of the best pictures taken with Lumia devices around the world. These pictures are mostly spectacular thanks to the amazing cameras Microsoft and Nokia have been building for their Lumia devices over the past few years.
In a post, the Shot On My Lumia team shared that they are merging with the main Lumia account on Instagram, where they will continue to share some images:
Our Instagram account will soon be @MicrosoftLumia. Don't worry, you don't need to do anything and you'll still get beautiful images shot on a #Lumia straight to your feed. This is all to make it easier for you to be part of our international, larger, Microsoft family.
Unfortunately though, Microsoft is obviously killing its Lumia brand — possibly for the Surface brand, which is likely why it stopped selling any Lumia devices in the United States and some other countries recently. It is also worth noting that Microsoft shut down some other social network accounts associated with Lumia late last year, which also got merged into the main Lumia account — just like the Shot On My Lumia account.
from MSPoweruser
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