Thursday, October 27, 2016

Final Fantasy XV gets a new trailer and goes gold

final fantasy xv featured image

Final Fantasy XV was delayed until November 29th so that users wouldn't have to download a day one patch, and now the final version of the game's ready to ship. It's gone "gold", which means that the game is finished and production of copies of the game can now begin. It also means that the team can move their focus to post-release content. This is stuff for the season pass, which is made up of three brand new episodes.

Each episode focuses on another member of the main party, and lets players take direct control of them for the first time. Each character has their own unique playstyle, and brand new enemies will be created for the episodes. Gladiolus' episode will launch first, followed by Ignis', and then finally Prompto's. Additionally, a later expansion called "Comrades" will introduce online multiplayer to the game. All of these will be available in the season pass, but they can still be purchased individually.

A new trailer for the game also released, and it's a four minute long CGI film from the same company as Kingsglaive, a movie based off Final Fantasy XV. You can watch it below.

The trailer's called "Omen", and it's true to its name. It's a prophecy seen by King Regis, the father of the game's protagonist, Noctis. It drops plenty of hints about the game's plot, and seeing how it ties into the final game should be interesting to see.

If you'd like to pre-order Final Fantasy XV for your Xbox One, you can find it in the Xbox Store here, and Amazon here.

What do you think about this? Are you excited to play as other characters? Let us know in the comments below!

from MSPoweruser

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